Monday, December 26, 2011

First Year Revue of Living Angels Calendar

First Year Production

This was the first year of the Living Angels Calendar.  In my opinion I feel it was a total success.  We,  raised $1200 for the children of A Kid Again.  One important fact we sold 350 calendars which will   help to bring awareness to the public about A Kid Again.

I wished we could have raised more funds but with the idea of not relying on the charity to produce funds we had a pre-sale of the calendar which helped to raise the needed funds for the first batch of calendars to be produced.  Within the first two weeks of the pre-sale we sold 250 calendars.  The reason for such low income from sales was due to how we produced the calendars.  We bought small batches instead one large mass production.  A Kid Again tried to get some sponsors for the project but with no available takers it was left up to me to produce the funds.

Any unsold calendars will be given to A Kid Again so they may give them to some of their supporters as a thank you token for their donation.

Here are some statistics from the website that I feel have some important indicators.

The map shows what states visited the website.  As you can see 27 states were active and there were purchases from 10 of those states and the most being from Ohio.

This shows the traffic sources plus (not shown) the bounce rate was 37% and the average time on the site was 3:39 with 484 visitors and 1,339 page views.  Stats were gathered from 08/17/2011 to 12/25/2011.
For a first run calendar these are great and gives some insight as to how many people were interested in what we had to offer.
Note: Bounce rate is the percentage of the people who did not spend any time on the site after they viewed the home page.

 The Next Version

Now is the time to decide how to move on to the next version.  I have asked on Facebook and also produced an questioner on the calendar website, which is totally anonymous,  to find out if we should continue with the calendar.  To my surprise only 6 people responded and (5) saying "Yes" and (1) Saying "No".  What does this mean do people feel it was not worth it or they stay away from polls so they will not hurt someones feelings.

I would like to produce another version but I am also indecisive on the basis that no one wants to say yes or no to the calendar.
I am asking a lot of people involved with the calendar about what type of images we should produce.  No decisions have been made but hope to have a decisive direction for next years version within the next month.

If you could take the time to cast a Yes or No vote it would be helpful.   Go to and you will find the poll on the home page.  Thank you!!